Francesco Tudisco

Associate Professor (Reader) in Machine Learning

School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh
The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences
School of Mathematics, Gran Sasso Science Institute JCMB, King’s Buildings, Edinburgh EH93FD UK
email: f dot tudisco at

Numerical Methods for Compression and Learning

Nicola Guglielmi and I are orginzing this week the workhop Numerical Methods for Compression and Learning at GSSI. The workshop will take place in the Main Lecture Hall in the Orange Building and will feature lectures from invited speakers as well as poster sessions open to all participants.

Excited to host great colleagues and looking forward to exciting talks!

Online participation will be possible via the zoom link:

As the amount of available data is growing very fast, the importance of being able to handle and exploit very-large-scale data in an efficient and robust manner is becoming increasingly more relevant. This workshop aims at bringing together experts from signal processing, compressed sensing, low rank methods and machine learning with the goal of highlighting modern approaches as well as challenges in computational mathematics arising in all these areas and at their intersection.