Francesco Tudisco

Associate Professor (Reader) in Machine Learning

School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh
The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences
School of Mathematics, Gran Sasso Science Institute JCMB, King’s Buildings, Edinburgh EH93FD UK
email: f dot tudisco at

Localization of dominant eigenpairs and planted communities by means of Frobenius inner products

Dario Fasino, Francesco Tudisco,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 66 : 881--893 (2016)

Special issue dedicated to the memory of Miroslav Fiedler


We propose a new localization result for the leading eigenvalue and eigenvector of a symmetric matrix $A$. The result exploits the Frobenius inner product between $A$ and a given rank-one landmark matrix $X$. Different choices for $X$ may be used, depending on the problem under investigation. In particular, we show that the choice where $X$ is the all-ones matrix allows to estimate the signature of the leading eigenvector of $A$, generalizing previous results on Perron-Frobenius properties of matrices with some negative entries. As another application we consider the problem of community detection in graphs and networks. The problem is solved by means of modularity-based spectral techniques, following the ideas pioneered by Miroslav Fiedler in mid-’70s. We show that a suitable choice of $X$ can be used to provide new quality guarantees of those techniques, when the network follows a stochastic block model.

Please cite this work as:

  title={Localization of dominant eigenpairs and planted communities by means of Frobenius inner products},
  author={Fasino, Dario and Tudisco, Francesco},
  journal={Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal},

Links: doi arxiv special issue

Keywords: dominant eigenpair cone of matrices spectral clustering community detection modularity matrix graph modularity