Efficient Sparsification of Simplicial Complexes via Local Densities of States
Anton Savostianov,
Nicola Guglielmi,
Michael Schaub,
Francesco Tudisco,
Simplicial complexes (SCs), a generalization of graph models for relational
data that account for higher-order relations between data items, have become a
popular abstraction for analyzing complex data using tools from topological
data analysis or topological signal processing. However, the analysis of many
real-world datasets leads to dense SCs with a large number of higher-order
interactions. Unfortunately, analyzing such large SCs often has a prohibitive
cost in terms of computation time and memory consumption. The sparsification of
such complexes, i.e., the approximation of an original SC with a sparser
simplicial complex with only a log-linear number of high-order simplices while
maintaining a spectrum close to the original SC, is of broad interest.
In this work, we develop a novel method for a probabilistic sparsifaction of
SCs. At its core lies the efficient computation of sparsifying sampling
probability through local densities of states as functional descriptors of the
spectral information. To avoid pathological structures in the spectrum of the
corresponding Hodge Laplacian operators, we suggest a “kernel-ignoring”
decomposition for approximating the sampling probability; additionally, we
exploit error estimates to show asymptotically prevailing algorithmic
complexity of the developed method. The performance of the framework is
demonstrated on the family of Vietoris–Rips filtered simplicial complexes.
Please cite this paper as:
title={Efficient Sparsification of Simplicial Complexes via Local Densities of
author={Savostianov, Anton and Guglielmi, Nicola and Schaub, Michael and Tudisco, Francesco},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.07558},
simplicial complex
higher-order networks
spectral clustering
graph Laplacian
Hodge Laplacian