Francesco Tudisco

Keyword: Meso-Scale Structure

A nonlinear spectral core-periphery detection method for multiplex networks

Kai Bergermann, Martin Stoll, Francesco Tudisco
Proceedings Royal Society A, (2024)
doi arxiv code

Core-periphery detection in hypergraphs

Francesco Tudisco, Desmond J. Higham
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 5 (2023)
doi arxiv code

A fast and robust kernel optimization method for core–periphery detection in directed and weighted graphs

Francesco Tudisco, Desmond J. Higham
Applied Network Science, 4 : 1--13 (2019)
doi code

A nonlinear spectral method for core-periphery detection in networks

Francesco Tudisco, Desmond J. Higham
SIAM J. Mathematics of Data Science, 1 : 269--292 (2019)
doi arxiv code