Francesco Tudisco

Keyword: Pagerank

Ergodicity coefficients for higher-order stochastic processes

Dario Fasino, Francesco Tudisco
SIAM J Mathematics of Data Science, 2 : 740--769 (2020)
doi arxiv

Extrapolation methods for fixed-point multilinear PageRank computations

Stefano Cipolla, Michela Redivo-Zaglia, Francesco Tudisco
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 27 : e2280 (2020)
doi arxiv

Euler-Richardson method preconditioned by weakly stochastic matrix algebras: a potential contribution to Pagerank computation

Stefano Cipolla, Carmine Di Fiore, Francesco Tudisco
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ILAS), 32 : 254--272 (2017)

A note on certain ergodicity coefficients

Francesco Tudisco
Special Matrices, 3 : 175--185 (2015)

A preconditioning approach to the Pagerank computation

Francesco Tudisco, Carmine Di Fiore
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 435 : 2222--2246 (2011)