Francesco Tudisco

Associate Professor (Reader) in Machine Learning

School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh
The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences
School of Mathematics, Gran Sasso Science Institute JCMB, King’s Buildings, Edinburgh EH93FD UK
email: f dot tudisco at

Variable step size Implicit Adams method

Using the recursions for the coefficients $\Phi_j(n)$, $\Psi_j(n)$ and $g_j(n)$, which we recall below


$\Phi_{j+1}(n) = \Phi_j(n)-\Psi_j(n-1)$

$\Psi_{j+1}(n) = \beta_{j+1}(n)\Phi_{j+1}(n)$

$\beta_{j}(n) = \beta_{j-1}(n)\Big(\frac{x_{n+1}-x_{n-j+1}}{x_n-x_{n-j}}\Big),\qquad$ $\beta_0(n)=1$

$Q(0,q)=1/q, \qquad$ $Q(1,q)=\frac{1}{q(q+1)}$

$Q(j,q) = Q(j-1,q)-Q(j-1,q+1)$

$g_j(n)= Q(j,1)$

Implement a 1-step and 2-step IAM with adaptive step size to solve the ODE $y'=y^2$, $y(0)=1$, using the scheme

$y_{n+1} = p_{n+1} + h_n g_k(n) \Phi_k(n+1),\qquad$ $p_{n+1} = y_n + h_n \sum_{j=0}^{k-1}g_j(n)\Psi_j(n)$

Matlab DEMO

clear all

%  F = history of function evaluations
%  X = history of points
%  Y = history of solution approximations

f = @(x,y) y^2;
sol = @(x) 1./(1-x); %true solution
X = [0.01 0.02 0.03];
Y = [sol(X(1)) sol(X(2)) sol(X(3))];
F = [f(X(1),Y(1)) f(X(2),Y(2)) f(X(3),Y(3))];

hnew = 0.13;
h = hnew;
tol = 1e-5;
%  Interval [0,1]

while X(end) < 0.99

    [y,hnew] = corrector(hnew,F,X,Y,f,tol);

    X = [X X(end) + hnew];
    Y = [Y y];
    F = [F f(X(end),Y(end))];
    h = [h hnew];

Y = Y(1:end-1);
X = X(1:end-1);

close all
hold on
plot(X,sol(X),'--k', 'linewidth',3)
title('Approx solution')
title('Sequence of steps h_n')

function [y,hnew] = corrector(hnew,F,X,Y,f,tol)

    for it = 1:100
        [p,PSI,G] = predictor(hnew,F,X,Y);
        Xn1 = X(end)+hnew;
        G(3) = 1/2 - (1/6)*(hnew/(Xn1-X(end-1)));
        PHI3 = f(Xn1,p) - F(end) - PSI(2);
        y = p + hnew * G(3) * PHI3;

        hn = hnew;

        %%% We compute an approximation LE for the local error at the next point
        %%% and compute a new step length as a consequence
        % compute PHI_3(n+1)
        b1n = hn / (X(end)-X(end-1));
        c1 = (Xn1 - X(end-1))/(X(end)-X(end-2));
        c2 = (X(end)-X(end-1))/(X(end-1)-X(end-2));
        PHI4 = PHI3 - b1n * c1 * (F(end)-F(end-1)-c2*(F(end-1)-F(end-2)));
        % compute g_3(n)
        G(4) = G(3) - (hn/(Xn1-X(end-2))) * (1/6 - 1/12 * (hn / (Xn1 - X(end-1))));
        % compute LE
        LE = hn * abs(PHI4 * (G(4)-G(3)) );
        % define a new hnew
        hnew = hn * (tol/LE)^(1/4);

        %%% If the approximate LE is smaller than the tollerance we accept
        if LE < tol


function [p,PSI,G] = predictor(hnew,F,X,Y)
    G(1) = 1;
    G(2) = 1/2;
    PSI(1) = F(end);
    Xn1 = X(end) + hnew;
    PSI(2) = (F(end)-F(end-1))*((Xn1-X(end))/(X(end)-X(end-1)));
    p = Y(end) + hnew * (G(1)*PSI(1) + G(2)*PSI(2));